Monday, February 11, 2013

Working on the Resolution

Every new year my family goes to the prayer mountain to thank God for the past year and prepare us for the new one.  We have done this for the past 4 years, the first of which was with my father.  And every year we bring out our new year folders which contain our yearly devotions, favorite family worship songs and lists of everything we ask for from God.  It's not really a new year's resolution but more of a prayer item we lift up to God.
a good dose of positive
Looking back on my folder it was a great surprise to find that some of the things we had wrote down actually came true.  I had wrote down some material things - iPad, driver's license, new cellphone - all of which I am now in possession of.  Also some other non-material things like a boyfriend, a year without getting hospitalized and a new business which God has also supplied.  One thing though that I keep writing down has never come into fruition - losing weight.
I had realized that for the past 2 years I had been writing it down and praying for it but only occasionally getting up and actually doing something about it.  God can make miracles happen because He is not bound by natural law.  However, I am.  And if I want something done I'd have to work my ass off for it and pray that God bless my hardwork.  We are not given anything we don't work hard for.  Such is the natural law.  

I was told in a seminar that the power of sin lies when it is hidden.  So I translate it to this, that the power of unaccomplished goals is when it is hidden.  No one will know that you have not accomplished what you set out to do unless you broadcast it.  Which is why in this little space of mine in cyberspace I will document my progress or lack of progress and be judged by both.  

I read this a while back and was really moved and rebuked by the words.  
It's not that I am unhappy with myself or how I look.  I am, really.  Losing weight is the only chance I can show myself that I can push through what I think I can't.  We are all forced in different directions and choices we never thought we would make.  We never really know how strong we are until being strong is the only option left.  With losing weight I choose to push MYSELF in a direction that forces ME outside MY comfort zone.  Coincidentally, by broadcasting this pursuit I make MYSELF accountable to the progress I have to show.  For all my ladies out there who are "not chubby but simply accumulating mass," if you want to lose weight as well go forth and make it happen.  With me, if you wish.  Weight is the most simple of issues yet the hardest to surpass.  For myself, if I get through this and come out triumphant in my mind I would think that there is nothing else I can't get past.
look at those hip hop abs!!!
For this endeavor I turn to Hip Hop Abs by Shaun T.  I will be starting out at 200 lbs. or roughly 90.72kg.  What I really like about this program is that some of their workouts last only 5-30 minutes making it perfect for women on the go.  Another thing is the little timer on the bottom of the screen.  Einstein's Theory of Relativity (as explained by LL Cool J) states that when you put your hand on a hot pan a minute can seem like an eternity but when you put your hand on a hot woman a minute can seem like a second.  In the same principle focusing on how much time has already passed and how little time is left (on the workout's timer) can make the work seem a little less intense.  I would think, "just a little more only 15mins left."  And it feels kind of exciting and thrilling when the timer is down to the last 5 minutes.  It almost feels like a basketball game (for me) when everything is at stake and you think you've got no more energy left but you explode with more because you know the game will end soon.
just do it!
I also like the simplicity of the workout.  I've started out with the Fat-Burning Cardio and the steps are simple and the intensities only have 3 levels.  You will find yourself mildly sweating after 15 minutes but when you finish the workout even your rubber shoes will be slippery from the amount of sweat dripping down your body.  
My boyfriend told me he doesn't trust the program because Shaun T is a dancer who developed his bod from training and not from his actual workouts.  I told him the workout made me feel good about myself which is ultimately what any workout routine should make you feel.  So I'm sticking to it and hopefully after a few months I can prove my boyfriend wrong.

One other thing I have done to ensure the success of this venture is to look for inspiring stories, quotes and such.  I found this set of rules and decided to pin it up on our fridge.  So far even my mom reminds me of the rules everytime we eat.  
I have downloaded several apps on my iPad to help me keep track of workouts and the things I eat.  My mom even got me a calorie counter which you put in your pocket and estimates the amount of energy you've used while the gadget is on your person.  It's not the most accurate of gadgets but it makes you aware of how much energy you actually use in a day and how much more you'll need to burn the extra calories.   

My trainer before said that it's alright to eat as long as you workout more than what you eat.  At that time I hated working out because my trainer was a sadist (I still love you carmel!) so I would really cut back on food.  After that my nutritionist advised me to still eat normally (up to 2000 calories per day) because when we don't eat our body will think that it's gonna go through starvation and hold on to the fats more and instead burn muscle when we work out.  And that's not the right way because becoming fit is burning fat and exchanging it for muscle. 

So here's the plan.  I have tried C-Lium Fiber and it works really well at flushing out toxins and I need that since I quit the gym and no longer have access to a steam bath and sauna.  I'll be taking the C-Lium Fiber every other weekend when I'm at home.  I'll also run down to Watson's to get me a box of Carbtrim to use on splurge meals.  I'll be doing the Hip Hop Abs workout, um... every other day and get back to running in the UP Diliman Sunken Garden (one lap is 2.2km).  Oh and also my mom entered me and my brother in the Bible Marathon this March so I'll really need to step into my running shoes soon.  
For interested parties please see Registration Form here
It's quite sad that I am aware of all these weight loss facts yet don't really have anything to show for it.  So this is the time.  This is the moment.  This is when I will put everything I've learned from the experts and put it all together to finish what I have set out to do for the past 2 years.  
hay... so true
Pray for me.  Or better yet join me!  Tell me, through the comments section, where (weight) you will start and what you will do.  I'd love to hear it and I'd love to be a part of your fitness journey.  

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